Free Updates for this upcoming Spring 2020


Greeting Couriers!


Happy Chinese New Year and we wish you all a Happy New Year once more!



Since the launch of Pascal's Wager on the App Store on January 16th, it has reached the top of the paid games list and the #1 App in several categories.


We immensely appreciate the support and passion you all have shown for the game!


At the same time, we are very grateful to all players who continue to provide amazing suggestions and incredible feedback.  


Since release, we've pushed out two major updates, and we will continue to improve upon the overall game experience and performance that folks have come to enjoy.


In this latest update, we've added a new item called the ‘Fireworks Barrel’ which we hope can bring a happy New Year to your journey.


Pascal's Wager plans to release the following free content updates during this Spring of 2020:



New Area: The Dark Mist


Go deeper into the black fog than even the most battle-hardened fear to go,! A place to truly challenge the Marred, gather and collect new trophies and of course, hidden secrets to find!



New Game Plus


Stay tuned for more details regarding this update!