Pascal’s Wager Permission Instructions


Greetings Courier,

In order to ensure a smooth game experience, the following permissions will need to be applied for your journey through Pascal’s Wager.


For Android users:

Permission: Allow access to network information status;

Purpose: Account Login and Cloud Saving needed.


Permissions: Allow access to information about current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspots;

Purpose: Account Login and Cloud Saving needed.


Permissions: Allow access to network connections which may generate GPRS traffic;

Purpose: Account Login and Cloud Saving needed.


Permissions: Allow applications to read files in external storage;

Purpose: Game Saving, Game Updates.


Permission: Allow to write to external storage;

Purpose: Game Saving, Game Updates.


Permissions: Allow to read or write system Settings;

Purpose: Game Saving, Game Updates.


P.S.: Authorizations can be revoked through your device system settings but note, it may interfere with game operability.